The fungus of the skin of the feet picture symptoms and treatment

Mycosis of the feet (athlete's foot, ringworm) is an infectious disease that occurs lesions of the skin of the feet, fingers, interdigital sites. Often the pathology is combined with the defeat of the nail – onychomycosis. Cause yeast infections the microscopic fungi dermatophytes, molds and yeast strains.

mycosis of the feet

In the absence of fungus treatment extends the foot at any finitude. This increases the risk of erysipelas of inflammation, of education and of warts, and the frequency of allergic reactions on the part of the skin and mucous membranes. The body ceases to perceive antibacterial, which makes it difficult for the treatment of other diseases.

The causes of mycosis of the feet

Contagious fungal infection of the feet often cause fungi and Ascomycota. Some strains cause the rubrofitii and rubromikoz, occupying more than 70% of the diagnoses of fungal. Approximately 10% of the entire population of the planet is sick fungus stop.

Molds and yeast-like fungi have been hitting the fewest members, they represent up to 1.5% of the cases.

What are the reasons of the infection of foot fungus:

  • Somatic pathology.
  • The endocrine disorders.
  • Hypothermia feet.
  • Diabetes mellitus with symptom of diabetic foot.
  • Skin disease – psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema.
  • Deformity of the hallux and other foot pathology.
  • The visit of public places where you should walk barefoot (saunas, swimming pools, fitness centres).
  • Increased sweating of the skin of the feet (hyperhidrosis congenital or due to other diseases).
  • The decrease of immunity in children and the elderly In the 2nd group of patients with a fungus in addition to confronted the men, if the nails on the feet already amazed onychomycosis.
  • The abuse of the means of antibiotic therapy, glucocorticoid, a cytostatic, immunosuppressive drugs. The factor affects the immune system and increases the incidence of the fungal infection.
  • The professional is a factor in the development of the fungus means the possibility of infection of workers of baths, swimming pools, metallurgy and the extraction of coal, athletes, soldiers.
  • The wounds of the skin of the feet has led to the appearance of blisters, cracks, corns.

The favorite locations on the foot for a fungus followed by the formation of warts become sites of calluses and hyperkeratosis. The location is explained by the deterioration of local immunity, has lost the control over the development of the infection by hpv.

Clinical forms of the mycosis of the feet

The external symptoms of athlete's foot depend on the type of strain, which had initiated the process, and the level of involvement of the skin, nails and hair on the legs. Athlete and rubromikoz have like that since the doctors together in "mycosis stop".

types of mycosis of the feet

The types of fungal infection of the feet dermatologist issue the following:

  1. Scaly.
  2. The presence on the skin of homes, these diaper rash).
  3. Not to the functioning of the sweat glands.
  4. Onychomycosis, crosses the normotroficheskie, atrophic or hypertrophic type.

Describe what it looks like fungus of the feet in a squamous form. In the initial phase, there is redness and peeling of the skin. Modified plots are different of the place. The itching occurs not in all patients.

Most of the patients did not notice any sign of fungal infection. At the clinic, they do not rotate, and this gives the pathology, the possibility to change the form of scaly on disgidroticheskaya.

When disgidroticheskaya the fungus foot the visible symptoms are multiple bubbles of a diameter of 2 – 8 mm, They are based in large lesions, erupt and form erosion.

With the arch of the foot the fungus spreads to the interior and exterior side of the part. In addition to extensive erosion, the location of the blisters form of diaper rash. The patients complain of pain and itching and noticeable flaking.

In the absence of treatment of a fungal infection complicated by bacteria. Signs of secondary infection are clouding the content of the bubbles with the transformation of the purulent mass, fever, swelling, and considerable redness of the skin.

Intertriginosny fungus stop is considered the most common. It develops itself or on the bottom of the squamous shape. Affects the skin between 4 and 5 toes, the less likely to develop in the space between the 3 and 4 fingers.

The main symptoms of the intertriginous of fungus of the feet:

  • Of itching and burning.
  • The cracks on the white skin of the bezel (the limit is formed from peeling of the epidermis).
  • Dipping his fingers between the affected member.
  • The replacement of the cracks and erosions with a high sensitivity of the phase.
  • Loosening of the skin followed by a decrease of local immunity. Bulk structure penetrate streptococci and cause inflammation of the skin with pus. The tissues swollen, red, enhanced by the pain. The general condition of the patient deteriorates.

The symptoms of candida defeat stop are interdigital erosion, but due to the activity of fungus of the genus Candida. Modified the fireplaces are displayed between 3 and 4 or 4 and 5 fingers of the lower limbs.

Disorders of the skin is edematous. Healthy tissue of its separates the "raven" of the epidermis, which is separated. A problem of vicinity is the abscess and bubble eruption.

If the fungus infects the nails of the fingers of the feet, the patient was diagnosed as "onychomycosis". In the initial phase of the pathology on the free edge of the nail of the big toe are yellow stripes and spots. Hypertrophic onychomycosis is characterized by thickening and the fragility of the plate, as that seems to be peeling of the skin.

the form of the mycosis of the feet

When the atrophic onychomycosis collapses a nail from the structure. Under the modified plate exposed hardening the skin. If onychomycosis develops as a result of the defeat of the foot mould of fungus, the nail plate becomes brown, black, green, or yellow color. The process is accompanied by onychomycosis – purulent inflammation of the nail.

The diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections stop

For the treatment of mycosis of the feet was the most efficient way possible, from the doctor, you need to visit already when the first signs of the disease. Because the manifestations of the fungal infection are non-specific and coincide with the clinic's other dermatological conditions, specialist needs to differentiate from psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and systemic lupus erythematosus.

To identify the pathogen and defining its belonging to a class of fungi patient pass:

  • The scraping of the nail.
  • The microscopy.
  • Microbiological study.
  • DNA-diagnosis of the matter.

In deciding to treat the mycosis of the feet or the spaces between the fingers and the nails, the dermatologist examines the feasibility of the system and of the combined therapy.

But inevitably the patient receives an appointment on an external treatment. The basic antimycotic therapy is the application of anti-fungal varied from the impact and medication to improve the local blood circulation and the resolution of comorbidities.

For the prevention of reinfection of the patient is recommended for disinfection of objects of personal and nonwovens commons.

The system of treatment of the fungal infection of the feet

Drugs for systemic action in the form of tablets and capsules at the athlete's foot to show when moderate or severe, while the process. Because of the many side effects of their admission are done under the strict medical supervision.

For the removal of the fungal infection of the feet is prescribed the anti-fungal two groups:

  1. Synthesis.
  2. Allylamines.

Also in the treatment of mycosis of the feet to find the use of antifungal agents with fungicidal effect. They work by inhibition of the growth and of the total destruction of the parasites.

Antifungals local action

In considering the means of the treatment of mycosis of the feet, is the only one to say about the effectiveness of the application of drugs to local action. The ease of treatment of the skin provides a multitude of dosage forms the anti-fungal. What are ointments, lotions, sprays, creams, drops and powder against fungus of the feet.

When the full defeat of the nail prescribe the suppression. The aim of the operation is to make the colony of fungi, which have the plate, and improve the effectiveness of the application of ointments anti-fungal. The removal pass is surgically under sterile conditions, or with the help of patches and ointments against late blight, capable of destroying the victim of a fingernail.

Anti-fungal traditional medicine

According to dermatologists, the remedies of the fungal infection of the feet without pharmaceutical drug is allowed for use in the early stages of the fungus have not yet pronounced symptomatology. In other cases, traditional medicine can only retain the medical destination. An integrated approach guarantees the patient promptly the repayment of the foci of inflammation and the support of local immunity.

Home recipes treatment of mycosis of the feet of the folk remedies:

  • Shampoo herbal broth. The bark of oak, dried berries, blackberry, grass, verbena and flowers of calendula mixed in equal amounts.3 tablespoons of phyto collection simmer on low heat in 200 ml of water. At the end of 20 minutes the composition of the strain and in the form of heat used in the washing of the issues and of the laying of compresses.
  • The ointment of the ashes of wood. Sifted wood ashes connect with lard of pork until a thick oily mass. On the feet of product are in the morning and in the evening after the hygiene procedures.
  • Ointment of sulphate of copper and yellow sulfur. The medicine is prepared on the pork fat, having mixed the ingredients in equal amounts. The mass is brought to a boil, then place in a dark room and wait for cooling. The treatment of the feet sulfuric-kuporosnoj ointment exercise several times per day.
  • Baths with milk and tea. An armful of fresh grass pour 2 – 3 liters of boiling water and wrap up the capacity of quilt is old. After 3 – 4 hours of maceration phytoprparation filtered and used for the pedal valves. The time of a session of 45 minutes. The bowls organize every 2 – 3 days, until the athlete's foot will never abandon it completely.
  • Coffee bath. If you are looking for a simple recipe "how to treat a fungal infection of the feet at home" on the recipe it comes with soluble coffee. The drink is firmly rooted in the right amount of water, pour into a bowl and hover the feet. The number of procedures – 1 – 2 per day. The task – to destroy the flora pathogen, and eliminate the bad odor that breathes kicked.
  • Baths with wine vinegar. Before bed feet wash with warm water and is placed in the basin with a strong solution of wine vinegar. After 3 – 5 minutes on foot wipe and put socks impregnated with this solution. The procedure gives an antiseptic effect.

Note: you must disinfect the floors of the rooms and the bathroom, shower and toilet. In the future, it is desirable to avoid staying in wet conditions in the public spaces.


The best prevention of an event in the fight against the fungus is able to prevent the disease — the strengthening of the protective properties of the body. This method is inexpensive, but the most effective and efficient manner. Medications and means of treatment, you must negotiate with your doctor, any self-medication can cause complications dangerous, with that then fight much harder and longer.

In order to avoid a re-infection, you must comply with the rules of personal hygiene, be sure to disinfect the bed linen and the towels that were in use. For the treatment in a timely manner and efficiently, you need time to consult with a doctor.